9/11 Symposium in New York City Addressed by EIR’s Jeffrey Steinberg

Over 100 activists attended a day-long symposium in New York City on Saturday, Sept. 12, commemorating the 14th anniversary of the original Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.  The conference spotlighted the fight for the declassification of the 28 pages from the original Joint Congressional Inquiry.  EIR Senior Editor Jeffrey Steinberg addressed the conference as part of a panel on “The Secret 28 Pages—Push to Declassify.” Steinberg was joined on the panel by Wayne Madsen and conference organizer Les Jamieson.  The panel began with a 10-minute excerpt from a CNN news broadcast on the fight to declassify the 28 pages, and a brief segment of one of the recent Capitol Hill press conferences.

Steinberg told the audience that the LaRouche movement’s probe of 9/11 actually began nine months before the attack—when LaRouche national spokeswoman Debra Freeman delivered testimony opposing the confirmation of John Ashcroft as the Bush-Cheney Attorney General, on the grounds that the administration was committed to a bureaucratic fascist takeover, to be triggered by a Reichstag fire incident.  So LaRouche was fully prepared when the 9/11 attacks occurred.  Steinberg reviewed the fight to declassify the 28 pages and the special role that the LaRouche movement played in forcing the issue to the fore.

Steinberg’s remarks were seconded by Madsen, who carried the consequences of the coverup of the Saudi role in 9/11 up to the present, with the subsequent emergence of the Nusra Front, the Islamic State, and other Al Qaeda spinoffs.

The conference was energized by the laser focus on the 28 pages fight, which was taken up again at the closing question and answer session, which was again forcefully addressed by Steinberg.

John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man also spoke at the conference and threw his weight behind the fight to declassify the 28 pages.

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages”

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