California Prisoners’ Strike a Win Against Solitary Confinement


‘Thousands of prisoners will be moved out of solitary confinement in California, thanks to a landmark legal settlement announced this week. Grass-roots organizing can be tough, but when done by prisoners locked up in solitary confinement, some of them for decades, it is astounding. The settlement grew out of a federal class-action lawsuit alleging violations of the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.

They call themselves the Pelican Bay SHU Short Corridor Collective. This group of men has been subjected to long-term solitary confinement, some for more than 20 years, in California’s Pelican Bay State Prison, located in the far northern corner of the state.’

Read more: California Prisoners’ Strike a Win Against Solitary Confinement

The post California Prisoners’ Strike a Win Against Solitary Confinement appeared first on David Icke.

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