Campaign for Liberty fights California Attorney General’s assault on the First Amendment

Campaign for Liberty has joined 58 organizations in signing an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court take up the case of Center for Competitive Politics v. Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California.

This case challenges the legality of Attorney General Kamela Harris’s demand that non-profits give her a list of their major donors in order to receive her permission to operate in California. The brief alleges that  Harris’s actions violate both the laws protecting taxpayer privacy and the First Amendment.

The brief also details the close collaboration between former IRS official Louis Lerner and the National Association of State Charity Officials (NCSO).  The brief presents evidence that at the time Lerner was involved in efforts to deny tax-exempt status to “Tea party” and liberty groups, she was working with NCSO officials to help them increase harassment of nonprofit organizations who work to limit government at the federal, state, or local level.

Read the full brief here.

Campaign for Liberty continues to resist the IRS’s demands that we turn over confidential information on our supporters. Please support our efforts.

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