Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Don’t increase spending

Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation of organizations  on a letter demanding that Congress adhere to the spending caps imposed by the 2011 budget deal. Of course, these caps are no where near the spending reductions needed, and in many  cases the so-called “cuts”were just reductions in the projected rate of spending increases. However, even these minor, and sometimes phony cuts, were too much for the big spenders that dominate both parties in DC.

Of course, Congress would not be able to engage in such reckless spending if it were not for the Federal Reserve. Campaign for Liberty is working to expose  how  the need to monetize the federal government’s debt influences the Fed’s monetary policy decisions by passing the Audit the Fed bill. Please support our efforts by contributing to our Audit the Fed matching grant challenge.

Text of the letter here and below:

Dear Member of Congress:

On behalf of our organizations and the millions of members we represent, we urge you to ensure that any legislation providing discretionary funding for Fiscal Year 2016 adhere to the discretionary spending levels set forth by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA).

Congress passed the BCA with bipartisan support and a promise to cap overall discretionary spending every year for the following decade. Even with these modest spending limits, discretionary spending will still increase in 2016 and every year thereafter.

Since its implementation, the BCA has been a rare victory for fiscal responsibility in Washington and has helped to control the growth of government spending and reduce deficits. Sadly, though not surprisingly, some in Washington want to abandon the BCA caps in order to spend more taxpayer money and add to the growing debt burden for current and future generations.

Facing an $18 trillion national debt, abandoning these modest spending limits by directly breaking the BCA caps or using budget gimmicks to get around them would be fiscally irresponsible and send a dangerous message to the American people. Hard-working Americans deserve to have their policymakers live up to their promises on spending. Under the BCA, total discretionary budget authority in FY 2016 is capped at $1.016 trillion. Any discretionary spending legislation exceeding that level would break the promise made to the American taxpayers.


Marc Short, President
Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce

Phil Kerpen, President
American Commitment

Coley Jackson, President
Americans for Competitive Enterprise

Rick Manning, President
Americans for Limited Government

Brent Gardner, Vice President of Government Affairs
Americans for Prosperity

Grover Norquist, President
Americans for Tax Reform

Norm Singleton, Senior Vice President
Campaign for Liberty

Andrew F. Quinlan, President
Center for Freedom & Prosperity

Tom Schatz, President
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

David McIntosh, President
Club for Growth

Jonathan Bydlak, President
Coalition to Reduce Spending

Lawson Bader, Executive Director
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Pete Hegseth, CEO
Concerned Veterans for America

Penny Nance, President and CEO
Concerned Women for America

Adam Brandon, President and CEO

Andrew Clark, President
Generation Opportunity

Mario H. Lopez, President
Hispanic Leadership Fund

Heather R. Higgins, President and CEO
Independent Women’s Voice

Carrie Lukas, Managing Director
Independent Women’s Forum

Daniel Garza, Executive Director
The Libre Initiative

Brandon Arnold, Executive Vice President
National Taxpayer Union

Andrew Moylan, Executive Director
R Street Institute

Steve Ellis, Vice President
Taxpayers for Common Sense

Paul J. Gessing, President
Rio Grande Foundation


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