EPA decision to destroy environment with bee-killing pesticides overruled by federal judge


‘In a rare demonstration of justice, the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled against a recent decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to approve a new neonicotinoid pesticide known as “sulfoxaflor,” because its manufacturer, Dow Chemical, failed to submit the proper safety studies proving that the substance doesn’t harm bees.

The chemical industry basically tried to pull another fast one with sulfoxaflor, submitting it for approval to the EPA without providing credible scientific evidence that it won’t contribute to the growing epidemic of “colony collapse disorder,” or CCD. This is likely due to the fact that sulfoxaflor does harm bees, and would never get approved if the full facts were revealed.’

Read more: EPA decision to destroy environment with bee-killing pesticides overruled by federal judge

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