Extreme Destitution in America


‘These are some of Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer’s terrifying observations about living at the bottom of our society, described in their book, $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, all from the introduction:

* “In early 2011, 1.5 million households with roughly 3 million children were surviving on cash incomes of no more than $2 per person, per day in any given month. That’s about one out of every twenty-five families with children in America. What’s more, not only were those figures astoundingly high, but the phenomenon of $2-a-day poverty among households with children had been on the rise since the nation’s landmark welfare reform legislation was passed in 1966—and at a distressingly fast pace. As of 2011, the number of families in $2-a-day poverty had more than doubled in just a decade and a half.”’


Read more: Extreme Destitution in America

The post Extreme Destitution in America appeared first on David Icke.

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