Fears terrorists and economic migrants could be obtaining Syrian passports with few checks in their bid to reach Europe as 10,000 are handed out at embassy in Jordan in just one month


‘Terrorists and economic migrants could be obtaining Syrian passports for as little as £250 with very few checks, it has been revealed.

Earlier this year, Syrian authorities relaxed rules and allowed citizens living abroad, including refugees who fled the war, to obtain passports without their documents needing to be reviewed by intelligence officials in Damascus for the first time.

It is thought non-Syrians, knowing they are more likely to reach Europe if they claim to be fleeing the country’s civil war, are obtaining the passports.

And Europe’s border agency Frontex has warned that a market in fake Syrian passports has sprung up, particularly in Turkey.”

Read more: Fears terrorists and economic migrants could be obtaining Syrian passports with few checks in their bid to reach Europe as 10,000 are handed out at embassy in Jordan in just one month

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