From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America


‘Christianity is being criminalized in the United States. No, I am not talking about the kind of Christianity that is so prevalent in America today where “Christians” just ignore what the Bible says and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place anyway. Rather, I am talking about the kind of faith that Kim Davis has demonstrated. Christians all over this country are being put into positions where they must choose to either submit to the “new morality” or potentially lose their jobs. For Kim Davis, deciding to take a stand meant that she was thrown into prison. The radical judge that threw her into prison has said that she will stay there until she is willing to change her mind.

The pace of which our nation is circling the toilet is absolutely breathtaking. Just eleven years ago, a state constitutional amendment that banned gay marriage in Kentucky received support from 75 percent of the voters.’

Read more: From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America

The post From This Point Forward, Christians Are Going To Be Banned From Holding Many Jobs In America appeared first on David Icke.

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