GMO shill Kevin Folta throws pathetic Twitter tantrum after being exposed as a Monsanto whore


‘Despite being outed as an unethical lying “academic,” University of Florida Professor Kevin Folta isn’t backing down, instead posting a barrage of illogical tweets in a cringe worthy episode of attacks and apparent self-defense.

Though Folta previously denied ties to the rich and powerful agricultural and chemical industry, hundreds of documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Request Act (FOIA) by the non-profit U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) group implicates him and other university faculty and staff in gross collusion with the biotech industry.

Chair of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Folta spent years relentlessly defending Big Ag, traveling on their dime as he engaged in lavish and frequent trips around the country promoting GMOs, leading USRTK and other clean food advocates to question his motives.’

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