How Understanding The Truth Movement May Hold Many Answers For Humanity


‘With all the mainstream media mental junk food now feeding humanity almost daily guaranteed lies in order to secure the stated agendas of the new world order, I want to pose a divider question. That’s a name I made up for a question that is sure to divide people. Nevertheless, a question that deserves attention and consideration from all critical thinkers and truth seekers. Today I pose this simple question only because it cuts through much of today’s subjectivism, it tramples on people’s belief systems, religions, opinions, political persuasion and someday it may even determine whether you live or die. It’s a question we should all be able to answer with understanding and conviction because when we do we’ll realize that doing can unlock many answers for humanity. The question is – What exactly is the truth movement?’

Read more: How Understanding The Truth Movement May Hold Many Answers For Humanity

The post How Understanding The Truth Movement May Hold Many Answers For Humanity appeared first on David Icke.

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