Influential shale gas body ‘is packed with pro-fracking supporters’


‘The European Ombudsman is to investigate allegations that an influential group examining shale gas development is packed with pro-fracking supporters.

The investigation into the European Commission’s Unconventional Carbon Extraction (UCE) group has been launched after it was claimed it is dominated by people with links to the oil and gas industry. According to the EC the group’s efforts are to be the “main source of independent knowledge about fracking and other unconventional oil and gas exploration”.

However critics claim the group, which held its first meetings earlier this year, is heavily weighted in favour of pro-fracking supporters. According to a complaint made to the Ombudsman more than 70 per cent of them either represent or have direct financial links to the fracking industry, two-thirds of the academics and research organisations involved have fracking links and all four chairs and co-chairs of its working groups are fracking proponents.’

Read more: Influential shale gas body ‘is packed with pro-fracking supporters’

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