Kill 174 People? You’re a Mass Murderer; GM Kills 174 People, Pays a Fine and Keeps Making Cars


‘Here’s a blatant example of how U.S. megacorporations are above the law (or can buy it).

It’s also an example of the mental disconnect our society has about murder and how the average person’s buttons get so easily pushed to serve government agendas by the mainstream media.

The Department of Justice has quietly released a statement to little media fanfare that criminal charges will be filed against General Motors (not an individual, but the company itself… I guess it’s like Romney said, “Corporations are people too, my friend”) because the company has acknowledged it willfully kept information about the safety of millions of their cars from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the unsuspecting public who buys them for years.

At least 174 people have reportedly died because of this company’s lies in this case.’

Read more: Kill 174 People? You’re a Mass Murderer; GM Kills 174 People, Pays a Fine and Keeps Making Cars

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