Last-Minute Warning: Anticollision Systems Unreliable off East Coast for Entire Month of September Due to Navy Drill


‘Something fishy is going on.

As posted on Aviation International News and the National Business Aviation Association, the Department of Defense suddenly informed the Federal Aviation Administration that a military exercise will make the TCAS and ADS-B surveillance systems unreliable on the East Coast (and up to 200 nautical miles offshore) for the whole month of September from one am EDT September 2nd until midnight EDT on October 1st.

The TCAS is otherwise known as the traffic collision avoidance system. It does exactly what it sounds like it does: it helps pilots avoid mid-air collisions. ADS-B stands for Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast, which Wikipedia describes as “a cooperative surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked.”

For these things to suddenly be unreliable sounds like a very bad thing, although the FAA has said this poses no safety risk.’

Read more: Last-Minute Warning: Anticollision Systems Unreliable off East Coast for Entire Month of September Due to Navy Drill

The post Last-Minute Warning: Anticollision Systems Unreliable off East Coast for Entire Month of September Due to Navy Drill appeared first on David Icke.

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