Malaysia to implant tracking devices in every car by 2018


‘Nationwide tracking devices are always a cause for concern in an age of increasing government surveillance. The most recent scheme to keep tabs on every citizen stems from Malaysia. The country’s Road Transport Department announced a plan to implement road tax stickers equipped with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips on every vehicle by 2018.

RFID is a controversial technology that uses tiny microchips to keep track of devices from a distance. Infamously known as “spy chips,” each chip has its own identification number. They have been implemented by big companies like Wal-Mart and Gap to reduce inventory and the frequency of thefts. Once the product leaves the store, the RFID should be disabled, since it is no longer part of the inventory, but there is no assurance yet that that is the case.’

Read more: Malaysia to implant tracking devices in every car by 2018

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