My New Book, “Shemitah Trends: The Plot to Enslave Humanity And How to Find Freedom” Just Released

As we enter this very interesting month of September, and with the Dow down another 469 points today, I have just released my book, “Shemitah Trends: The Plot to Enslave Humanity And How to Find Freedom”.

Rather than tell you about it, I’ll include the foreword for the book, written by top hedge fund manager, Thomas D. Conrad PhD:

As I write this foreword, the US stock market has just lost
some seven percent and securities have been selling off
globally. Jeff Berwick predicted this plunge in his video,
“Shemitah Exposed,” posted in mid-July 2015 – and now in
this book Shemitah Trends.

Jeff’s initial call was for market havoc in September, but as he
writes in his late August article, “Markets Crack, as Predicted,”
the debacle came a bit early:

“I warned people in mid-July that something big was going to
happen: a massive market sell-off, a declaration of war, etc.
And now, just a little earlier than expected, we’ve seen a
market crash develop. If you listened to me, you’d have
trimmed your exposure. Perhaps you’d be out completely.
Of course markets can recover and there is no certainty that the
current unraveling continues. However, the general direction of
the markets is certainly down over time, either in 2015 or 2016
– or both. Trouble is coming.”

The trends are clear in my view and we ought to deal with
them for our own sake’s and that of our family and friends. In
fact, I have a feeling if you’re reading this book you’re on your
way to confronting fairly complex and disturbing issues.

The economic news is only symptomatic of a larger problem.
There is no doubt for instance that the US is getting a good
deal more authoritarian, and this is aggravating other socioeconomic
and political problems. The Patriot Act and other
legislation have stripped US citizens of constitutional rights to
privacy and even to unimpeded movement inside and outside
the country, just to mention two areas of concern.

Power is increasingly concentrated and often abused. The
justification for this is that the US is at war with terrorism and
terrorists. During a war, various rights are inevitably reduced
or abrogated. That is what is happening now. As Randolph
Bourne famously wrote, “War is the health of the state.”

During a time of war, the state acquires more power and its
representatives tend to enable such trends.
Jeff has done us a service by explaining how we got to this
point and much of this book is a clarification of our current
status, one that resembles indentured servitude – and even

These are some of the “trends” Jeff refers to.

It is true, for instance, if you don’t pay your taxes or perform other duties
as demanded, that your possessions – your estate, your house –
are possibly or even probably forfeit. You “own” what you
have at the discretion of authorities. If you don’t like the
outcome, you may “plead” at the bar.

The Shemitah end-day upcoming in a few weeks is only more
evidence of this state of affairs. There are certainly forces in
society that have gathered an enormous amount of power and
are not at all reluctant, on occasion, to demonstrate it in
repetitive ways.

Jeff writes at the beginning of this book that his analysis has
little to do with ethnicity and religion and that his concern is
based on historical facts. I like this approach. Why expand on
tribal ties or rehash old grievances or prejudices? For Jeff –
and I concur – the issue is really one of centralization of power.
Without such centralization no single group could choose to
create disasters (potentially anyway) on or near a given day
with surprising but observable repetition.

We do live in unsettled times and using Shemitah as a
jumping-off point, Jeff does a great job in this book of showing
the way things are organized and what kind of ramifications we
can expect as a result – the trends to come, in other words. The
analysis is clear-headed, the history seems accurate to me and
Jeff’s remedies are worthwhile as well.

I’m grateful that Jeff has provided us with this unusual – but
credible – analysis. And even more grateful that he has not
flinched from its ramifications. Jeff also mentions his
newsletter toward the end of the book and the solutions he is
offering to some of the Shemitah trends this book presents are
to be found in that publication on a real-time basis.

Even if nothing further happens on or around the Shemitah
end-day (September 13-15, as I understand it), the trends put in
play by Shemitah will likely persist. These may include
additional financial instability, socioeconomic tensions and
expanding military actions. These trends will persist, according
to Jeff into the foreseeable future, beyond 2015, into 2016 and
further still.

The problem, as he explains, is not a particular day but an
entire history of troublesome events that have led us to this
point. I’m grateful for your warning, Jeff, and I concur. Thanks
for allowing me to comment on it.

Tom Conrad
United States, Uruguay, Panama

Thomas D. Conrad, Ph.D. is a highly ranked hedge fund manager
with World Opportunity Master Fund and president of Financial
Management Corporation. His flagship World Opportunity Master
Fund, LP has been ranked number nine in the world in certain
categories by BarklayHedge and recently reached a number three
ranking. Dr. Conrad has held a seat on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange,
and was Deputy Assistant Secretary of
the United States Air Force for
the Reagan Administration.

For more information on the book you can also see this press release at PR Newswire.

The book is currently only available to subscriber’s of The Dollar Vigilante and is included in the price of subscription.  If you’d like to receive the e-book and get access to our best subscription rates yet, click here.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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