Nasa Mars mystery solved: Space agency announces discovery of flowing briny water on Red Planet


‘Nasa has announced the discovery of traces of “briny flows” on the surface of Mars in a revelation that could point to life on the Red Planet. The US space agency put out a statement titled Nasa to announce Mars mystery solved on 24 September, stating that it will announce a “major science finding from the agency’s ongoing exploration of Mars” at a news briefing on 28 September.

Thoughts had arisen that it would claim to have discovered water on Mars and space enthusiasts will be excited by the news, which comes after years of research. The research team, headed by Lujendra Ojha, analysed high resolution images of mountainous structures on Mars and found surface features called recurring slope lineae which are consistent with being formed by flowing salt water.’

Read more: Nasa Mars mystery solved: Space agency announces discovery of flowing briny water on Red Planet

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