Nearly 50% of Americans Consider the US Government an Immediate Threat

Just yesterday we reported that a new Gallup poll showed that 75% of Americans think the US government is corrupt.  Gallup has now released another poll that shows that nearly 50% of people in the US think that the federal government poses “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.”

Gallup Poll Fear Own Government Dollar Vigilante

This is more than a 50% increase since 2003 and the reason should be obvious to anyone who sees what is going on.

The amount of things that are illegal in the US has reached insane levels.  Feeding the homeless in many cities in the US is a crime!  Collecting rainfall on your own property is also now a crime in many states.  And it seems a day doesn’t go by without cops shooting unarmed victims and kids in government “schools” being set-up in undercover drug stings or ending up in handcuffs.

In fact, the biggest reason people polled cited was “Too many laws/Government too big in general”.

All those laws and the massive policing operations in the US mean that the US has, by far, the most people in prison per capita of any country in the world.  And compared to OCED countries the difference is shocking.

Incarceration Rates in OECD Countries

This is all part of what we call the “Shemitah trend” (which is the title of my most recent book which you can receive for free here). These polls are not being done for the benefit of the average citizen but in order to ensure the ruling class has some sense of how things are going.

And cynically speaking, our rulers are not necessarily displeased at society’s gradual unraveling. The idea is to create an increasingly authoritarian society that will be increasingly intolerable to many. It may not be too strong to venture that the idea is to create a social explosion that will justify ending the US experiment as we know it.

This would explain why according to the Daily Mail and other mainstream publications George Soros spent millions funding the riots in Ferguson. There are certainly forces at work today that seek continual destabilization.

Many people, for instance, assumed that because Jade Helm quietly ended on September 15th that there was nothing to the massive military buildup inside the US. But, since the official end of Jade Helm even bigger military convoys have been spotted around the US.  On September 18th, these convoys were spotted in Van Nuys, California.  On September 19th, this convoy was spotted in Gulfport Mississippi.  And on September 20th this convoy was spotted in Shreveport, Louisiana.

We’ll be coming out with a new video on that as well as discussing our views on what is going on and how to protect yourself from it in the next issue of The Dollar Vigilante (subscribe here) coming out in the next 36 hours.

Just today we received this commentary from a TDV subscriber in the US, “We have problems now in the USA just traveling between our properties which are located in three states (TX,NC,SC). We get questioned on visiting our property and instead just say we are visiting family. I have been stopped by police six times and asked why I was in that State. Was stopped driving on I-10 twice asked why I was traveling, where I had been, why, and how long. It’s crazy!”

It’s my view that 100% of Americans should consider the US government an immediate threat!  But many are too blind to see the massive police state being built up around them until it is too late.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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