New Paradigm • Ending the Climate Change Scare with a Scientific Understanding of Mankind

For this week’s New Paradigm show we are re-featuring material critical to winning the fight against the fraud of man-made catastrophic climate change. Yesterday, on the eve of the U.N. General Assembly in New York and Pope Francis’ visit to the United States, LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review held a live seminar announcing the release of a new special report, ‘Global Warming Scare is Population Reduction, Not Science’.

Full EIR seminar from Manhattan.

Presenting at the seminar LaRouche PAC science team member Benjamin Deniston was joined by Thomas Wysmuller, a representative of ‘The Right Climate Stuff,’ an alliance of retired NASA astronauts, scientists, and engineers who are fighting against the fraud of man-made catastrophic climate change. Written remarks were also submitted by Paul Driessen, author of “Green Power, Black Death.”

Additionally, see our earlier interview with Paul Driessen, presenting the genocidal reality of the green movement, as well as an earlier presentation by Benjamin Deniston on the fraud of the entire zero-growth ideology and the reality of the galactic future of mankind.

LPAC’s Ben Deniston addressing the Schiller Institute’s ‘Rebuilding the World in the BRICS Era’ Paris conference.

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