Open letter to Jeremy Corbyn

Untitled (110)

‘Let me say right from the outset that your election as leader of the Labour Party would be a very welcome change indeed from what has gone before. But there is an essential and immediate caveat to this support – a caveat which must be addressed and made public so that people can fully understand the real challenge facing all of humanity today!

And that caveat is this – during your campaign you have repeatedly offered your potential voters the word ‘hope’. With the greatest of respect, this is a word that is always used by empty and powerless politicians in order to entrap and ensnare people to vote for them…. and you have only to look at the current US President for absolute proof of this. The people do not need ‘hope’, what they do need are solutions and the truth!

Empty and powerless politicians? Here in Great Britain? I’m afraid to say ‘yes’, because the ultimate power to govern the British people does not lie with our democratically elected representatives in Parliament, it lies with the dynastic bankers and financiers in the City of London. The so-called ‘Square Mile’ has evolved over the centuries into becoming the very centre of the global banking and financial system that drives and controls the entire world’s economy.’

Read more: Open letter to Jeremy Corbyn

The post Open letter to Jeremy Corbyn appeared first on David Icke.

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