Putin: Assad Would ‘Accept’ Snap Elections To Avoid ‘Total Chaos’

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Overnight, we brought you the latest on the “friggin mess” (to quote the Pentagon) that is Syria, where Bashar al-Assad is desperately clinging to power while his depleted army fights a three-front war against a dizzying array of “freedom fighters”, jihadists, former CIA strategic assets, current CIA strategic assets, the Kurds, and god only knows who else.

The Assad regime is (literally) surrounded by hostile states who are angling for his ouster and if you had any lingering doubts about why it is that everyone wants Syria’s strongman gone, look no further than this map:


‘Note the purple line which traces the proposed Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline and note that all of the countries highlighted in red are part of a new coalition hastily put together after Turkey finally (in exchange for NATO’s acquiescence on Erdogan’s politically-motivated war with the PKK) agreed to allow the US to fly combat missions against ISIS targets from Incirlik.’

Read more: Putin: Assad Would ‘Accept’ Snap Elections To Avoid ‘Total Chaos’

The post Putin: Assad Would ‘Accept’ Snap Elections To Avoid ‘Total Chaos’ appeared first on David Icke.

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