Putin’s calculations in Syria

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‘Russian President Vladimir Putin is running increased risks of clashes with the United States, Saudi Arabia, other major Muslim nations and Israel by intervening in Syria.

Although the move is being painted in the US media as reck­less, meaningless and dangerous, Putin is making a rational calcula­tion. And once again he has caught Obama administration policymak­ers and Israeli Prime Minister Biny­amin Netanyahu by surprise.

First, Putin is moving decisively to rescue the last Russian foothold in the Middle East and on the Mediterranean.

Russia is a country deeply con­cerned with maintaining the status quo and preserving its increasingly challenged position in the world. That is a far cry from the revolu­tionary communist ideology of the Khrushchev and Brezhnev eras that fantasised with perfect faith about toppling every Sunni Arab monarchy and emirate from the Atlantic to the Indian oceans.

Putin has every reason to be con­cerned about stopping the Islamic State (ISIS) in its tracks. Russians fear a triumphant ISIS in Syria and Iraq would re-radicalise Chechens and other Muslim nationalities in Russia and set off a new wave of terror.’

Read more: Putin’s calculations in Syria

The post Putin’s calculations in Syria appeared first on David Icke.

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