Regime Change is Coming – Saudi Prince Calls for Coup to Remove King

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You know things are bad in Saudi Arabia when one of its princes, and son of the state’s founder, is openly calling for a coup to displace the current King. This isn’t just some ambitious power play either, Saudi Arabia is an unmitigated disaster. I’ve repeatedly pointed this out, and also predicted regime change on several occasions.

If you’re caught up on your Game of Thrones, you know that this can end in only one of two ways. Either outcome will result in some sort of regime change.

Either the rebel prince succeeds in convincing enough people who matter to remove the King, or the King counters and drives the prince out. The former situation is far and away the best option for stability in the Middle East, and would likely allow the Saudi royal lineage to hold on to power for longer. If the second scenario unfolds, current leadership will crack down even harder on dissent and run the state further into the ground. This behavior will ultimately lead to an unpredictable and likely violent revolution, and if you think the Middle East is volatile now, you ain’t seen nothing yet…

Read the rest here.

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