Schiller Institute Conference: Creating A Peace Paradigm, A New Era For Mankind Where We All Become Truly Human

This September 12th conference is designed as an important part of the international mobilization to stop the immediate danger of confrontation against Russia and China and to give voice to permanent solutions to global conflicts and war. The event’s feature presentation will be a dialogue between American Statesman Lyndon LaRouche and two other veteran members of the U.S. Presidency. With all eyes on Manhattan on the eve of the U.N. General Assembly and Pope Francis’ first visit to the United States, Mr. LaRouche’s intervention into Manhattan, to shape the debate about the very existence of the future of mankind, is something you do not want to miss. Join the discussion, tune in live, this Saturday the 12th, at 2:30 pm eastern.

The full Schiller Institute invite can be viewed here.

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