Shocking Truth Of British Involvement in the Deaths of 6-8 Million in Iraq and Afghanistan

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‘There is possibly a time when Tony Blair is going to have to deal with the consequences of his actions over Iraq with the coming Chilcot inquiry report – however long that may take. And even then, the Chilcot report is likely to be nothing more than a whitewashing of the truth.

“I think it was an illegal war,” Jeremy Corbyn said in an interview with BBC2’s Newsnight adding that former UN secretary general had confirmed that. “Therefore he (Blair) has to explain that.”

Calls for Tony Blair to face war crimes are accelerating and it is hardly surprising now we know what we know to be true. And what we now know is truly shocking, even though the British media has universally refused to report it. Type the keywords of this report into Google (such as ‘war on terror, killed four million Muslims) and the British press are 100% absent, so it is worth reading.’

Read more: Shocking Truth Of British Involvement in the Deaths of 6-8 Million in Iraq and Afghanistan

The post Shocking Truth Of British Involvement in the Deaths of 6-8 Million in Iraq and Afghanistan appeared first on David Icke.

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