‘Stop arming Israel!’ Campaigners launch blockade ahead of London arms fair


‘Anti-arms campaigners set up a blockade in the Dockland’s area of east London on Monday to disrupt one of the world’s largest arms fairs and highlight Britain’s role in arming repressive regimes worldwide.

Protesters gathered outside the Excel center in the Dockland’s area of east London on Monday morning as part of a week of action called Stop the Arms Fair.

The campaigners occupied a space adjacent to the center in an effort to disrupt the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair scheduled to take place at the venue next week.

One of the largest arms fairs in the world, it is expected to attract more than 1,000 global arms firms and 30,000 attendees.’

Read more: ‘Stop arming Israel!’ Campaigners launch blockade ahead of London arms fair

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