The Breakaway Society & Earth as an Alien Enterprise


As you surely know by now, your online behavior, from banking to shopping, to searching for anything including health and financial information, even your cell phone usage is, “…fed into databases and assembled into profiles of unprecedented depth and specificity.” [Pasquale]’

This information is then sold to companies you know nothing about and used to market to you, to evaluate your potential to get a job, a mortgage, a loan, a rental, and many other dreams you may have that could be denied to you because of collected data you know nothing about.

There is no such thing as a ‘free’ App — all Apps are Trojan Horses. We now live in the Internet, the algo-matrix… like it or not, and the tyranny of massive data collection is upon us.

Now is the time for us to rethink our euphoria with technology.’

Read more: The Breakaway Society & Earth as an Alien Enterprise

The post The Breakaway Society & Earth as an Alien Enterprise appeared first on David Icke.

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