The expansion of the vaccine schedule and the rise of autism

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‘All too often those of us opposed to vaccines hear a simple, yet tired counterargument, “Well I had my shots as a kid and I’m fine.” The adults who make this claim don’t seem to realize the number of shots they received was far fewer than the number of shots on today’s vaccine schedule. And few of them follow the adult vaccine schedule.

In reality, the very well vaccinated are not a healthy bunch. They get sick regularly. This is particularly evident for those who get regular flu shots.

American children receive far more vaccines now than at any other time in U.S. history, and they receive more vaccines than children living in any other country. If vaccines were in fact so effective, one would think that America would have the healthiest children. This is not the case at all. Aside from starving children in 3rd world countries, American children are among the sickest children in the world.’

Read more: The expansion of the vaccine schedule and the rise of autism

The post The expansion of the vaccine schedule and the rise of autism appeared first on David Icke.

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