The Thunderous Threat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Principled Politics to The Power Elite

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‘During the British Labour Party’s recent leadership election, the candidate who was supposed to be nothing more than a fringe addition to the competion, Jeremy Corbyn, swept to power by gaining 60% of the vote from party members. This is an unquestionable result and an incredible mandate for power, which far exceeds that of Tony Blair back in 1994.

Prior to the election, Tony Blair, ex-Labour Leader and British PM who could face war crimes charges for the Iraq War, warned that Corbyn’s leadership would doom the Labour Party to annihilation. The numbers, however, show a different story, as thousands joined the Labour Party just to vote for Corbyn and over 30,000 more have joined in the first three days after the result. Others even tried to brand Corbyn as anti-semitic as he shot to the stars of political popularity during the leadership race.’

Read more: The Thunderous Threat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Principled Politics to The Power Elite

The post The Thunderous Threat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Principled Politics to The Power Elite appeared first on David Icke.

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