Three kids forced to live with ‘violent’ dad after court-ordered ‘parental alienation therapy’

‘Three Michigan children who were sent to juvenile detention for refusing to see their allegedly abusive father have been reunited with him against their will, after being forced to undergo “parental alienation therapy.” They are now living with the man.

The saga began in July, when the three children – ages 9, 11 and 14 – told Judge Lisa Gorcyca that they didn’t want to have a relationship with their father, Omer Tsimhoni, because he is violent. They added that they had seen him hit their mother.

“I do not apologize for – for not talking to him because I have a reason for that, and that’s because he’s violent and he – I saw him hit my mom and I’m not gonna talk to him,” the 14-year-old said at the time, according to Oakland County Circuit Court records.’

Read more: Three kids forced to live with ‘violent’ dad after court-ordered ‘parental alienation therapy’

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