Total medication LOCKDOWN: People indicted for ‘smuggling’ FDA-approved drugs from Canada that are legal to buy in America


‘Big Pharma firms have such a lock on the U.S. market – the most lucrative in the world – that they have the power of the federal government in their pockets. So much so that if anyone steps outside the box or colors outside the Big Pharma-designated lines, Uncle Sam will smack them down.

That kind of influence is embodied in the case of an Illinois man who has recently pleaded not guilty to charges that he conspired with an online Canada-based pharmacy to smuggle mislabeled, unapproved and false prescription drugs into the U.S., so he could resell them to American doctors.’

Read more: Total medication LOCKDOWN: People indicted for ‘smuggling’ FDA-approved drugs from Canada that are legal to buy in America

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