2016 May Be Bitcoin’s Biggest Year Yet

Many readers and subscribers know that I first began recommending to get into bitcoin in 2011 when it was near $3. Most people called me crazy… some still do. It then rose to over $1,000 in late 2013 and many people felt like they had “missed the boat”.

Bitcoin Chart Dollar Vigilante

But after rising above $1,000 bitcoin spent almost all of 2014 giving back a large part of its gains… although still staying in the $200+ area which still produced a nearly 1,000% gain from early 2013,

However, now, for all of 2015, bitcoin has been incredibly nonvolatile and has hovered within distance of $250 throughout the year.

And so, for those who felt like they “missed the boat” in 2011 don’t feel too bad. In fact, bitcoin was so new in 2011 that it was very hard to buy (you would have had to mine bitcoin to get a sizeable amount) and even harder to keep (numerous exchanges such as Mt. Gox lost most of their clients bitcoin). The entire bitcoin and blockchain ecosystem was just in its infancy stages.

Now, however, that is all about to change


In many ways, up until now you could describe bitcoin as being a baby from 2009 (when it was created) to 2012. And it was like a young child turning into a teen in major growing pains from 2013-2015.

And now it is finally growing up.

It was only a few years ago that one of the only places to buy bitcoin was Mt. Gox. Mt. Gox was originally a place for people to trade Magic The Gathering game cards until they realized they could use their same platform to trade bitcoins. It quickly became the largest and by 2013 it conducted 70% of all bitcoin transactions. Then through fraud or mismanagement, $450 million of bitcoin disappeared and the exchange was shuttered.

Now, however, there are much more professional and secure exchanges operating across the world.

Nearly a day goes by now where a multi-million dollar investment deal isn’t announced (you can see VC investment into bitcoin here). And as you can see, the investors are big names, like in the $43 million investment last week into Chain, a blockchain infrastructure company, by investors including Visa, Nasdaq, Citi, Orange and Capital One.


Here, at The Dollar Vigilante, some of the best, early stage deals come to us first and we have seen, just in the last month, two companies in particular that are going to change the bitcoin game…. nearly overnight.

Soon it will be easy to use bitcoin to buy things anywhere in the world… it actually already is but hardly anyone knows about it yet (TDV subscribers – subscribe here – will be the first to know)… and possibly even get access to early stage investment in the company.

Another company who approached us has solved the problem of security with bitcoin… which has been one of the biggest issues in bitcoin gaining widespread acceptance.

By this time next year bitcoin and blockchain technologies will be so advanced and easy to use that people around the world will gravitate to it. And, because bitcoin’s value is based solely off of supply and demand that means we could see another large rise in bitcoin similar to 2013.

Especially if any more banks have problems, like in Cyprus, which is virtually baked-in-the cake.


If you don’t know much about bitcoin and want to get into it before the next major rise there aren’t many easy/all-inclusive packages that can teach you everything you need to know about it. To understand bitcoin at a high enough level to be able to see the opportunities in bitcoin it is going to take more than a few hours.

It’d be like trying to understand everything about the internet in 1993 so you’d be able to wisely choose your investments… it’d be impossible to do in a few hours. But if you spent a few days of time (at your own convenience) with the right tools you can become more of an expert on bitcoin and blockchain technology than 99.99% of people on the planet. The other 0.01% are the people who have been working on or with bitcoin and blockchain for years…. many of whom are now millionaires and soon billionaires.

That’s why I recommend for anyone who wants to essentially take a crash course in bitcoin to take a look at Max Wright’s Success Council products. They are the best I’ve seen yet.

You can take a look at their free report on bitcoin and videos here and decide if it is for you. They even offer a free 30 day money back guarantee if you find it isn’t for you… so it’s risk free.


We’ve had many readers, viewers, listeners and new subscribers ask us what is the quickest way to learn all of the ins-and-outs of bitcoin and this package is something I would recommend to anyone interested.

Of course, as a subscriber of the TDV newsletter we’ll regularly be bringing you news, info and investment opportunities in the bitcoin/blockchain space… but if you really want to get up-to-speed on bitcoin, before the next boom which I think will come in 2016, then I’d also recommend you take a look at Max Wright’s product (click here for free report and videos).

Bitcoin is an evolution in money and banking and the blockchain technology could change things nearly as much as the internet changed how we interact… it’s that big of an evolution.

Learning the details of bitcoin/blockchain now would be like learning about the internet in 1994 and seeing where it was headed. I did that in 1994 and by 2000 the company I founded was worth $240 million.

Of course, what I didn’t know about was how central banks create bubbles and I didn’t sell the company anywhere near the peak… but that’s why I write The Dollar Vigilante now to help others understand that and how to survive and prosper through their economic and monetary distortions.

Interestingly enough, if bitcoin and blockchain technology go where I think it is headed it will actually be the end of the central banking and fiat money system. Which would be extra sweet for me… and for you too if you take the time to understand it now so you can make confident decisions on how to invest or speculate in bitcoin itself.

It’s free to take a look… And could change your life forever. Check it out here.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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