Abolish DUI Laws

I start this article by congratulating you for having the courage to read past the scary title.  Many people sadly don’t possess such intellectual courage.[1]  Although you probably think I’m crazy and irresponsible for even suggesting we repeal all DUI laws, at least you are willing to invest the time necessary to learn why I suggest such a monstrously scary idea as simply abolishing all DUI laws.  Additionally, I suggest we replace such DUI laws with absolutely nothing.

Before I proceed with convincing you we can and should abolish all DUI laws, I invite you to ponder the concept of a paradigm shift.  Because I expect to persuade you to my position, I am hoping you will then consider what other issues and concepts you ought to revisit for the purpose of evaluating other well established views you have that may also be worthy of additional reflection.  Whenever I abandon one of my established beliefs in exchange for a new and different belief, I celebrate my new and improved belief about the world, and give no worry to my old incorrect and now abandoned view.  I urge you to also strive to hold only correct views rather than simply seeking to justify current ones.

I suspect the founding fathers would be disgusted we have allowed this to occur.  This is why we need to repeal all DUI laws and replace them with nothing at all.

victor-173If I have indeed succeeded at convincing you we ought to abolish all DUI laws and replace them with nothing, I invite you to consider why you ever believed we needed such laws in the first place.  I wonder if you actually considered the issue for yourself or if you simply accepted what others concluded about DUI laws without considering the issue for yourself.

I invite you to consider, or possibly re-consider, some other issues as well.  Are you still supporting the horribly failed, violence promoting, totally insane war on drugs?  Do you believe more government action or new government programs are the answers to today’s problems?  Do you actually support peace?  I know you claim you are in favor of freedom, but are you really?[3]  I urge you to help change the world by starting with an honest evaluation of your own fundamental views.


[1] Many people have simply refused to read my previous article entitled, “Legalize Methamphetamine!” If you can’t get past the scary title, I suspect you aren’t open-minded enough to fairly consider my argument in any event.  This article can be found here:  http://attorneyforfreedom.com/marc-j-victor-articles-3/

Don’t be scared.

[2] In Arizona, the court has recently ruled that the inactive metabolite of marijuana, which does not impair and can remain in the body for up to a month or longer, no longer supports a DUI.  However, other inactive metabolites from other illegal drugs are still in question.

[3] I wrote an article about this topic.  I invite you to review it here.  http://attorneyforfreedom.com/marc-j-victor-articles-3/

The post Abolish DUI Laws appeared first on LewRockwell.

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