BBC Admits It Faked Volcano Eruption Scene for Patagonia TV Documentary


‘The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has admitted it faked dramatic footage of a volcanic eruption in Patagonia TV documentary. According to the BBC, the scene was created by merging footage of two separate incidents of volcanic eruptions occurring four years apart.

“Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise” program was first broadcast on September 25 and showed the footage of the Calbuco volcano in Chile, displaying a “Dirty thunderstorm” above the volcano. A “Dirty thunderstorm” occurs when flashes of lightning are visible within the clouds of ash in a volcano. The program suggested that the eruption was a single occurrence. The BBC, however, has now admitted that the footage was fake; the main Calbuco volcano eruption footage was taken by the BBC in 2015, and the lightning shots were digitally added later to make the video more impressive. These lightning shots were captured by a Chilean photographer in 2011 of a “nearby Patagonian volcano”.’

Read more: BBC Admits It Faked Volcano Eruption Scene for Patagonia TV Documentary

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