Cleaners disciplined for writing to Tory MP about low pay. Tory says it’s not about the letter. Do you believe him?


‘Who do you believe – a senior member of the political party that has been systematically cutting working people’s incomes for more than five years, or a group of working people who are suffering as a result of those policies?

Not exactly a trick question, is it?

A group of cleaners at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have been put under disciplinary investigation by their employers after raising the issue of their low pay in a letter to the foreign secretary, Philip Hammond.

The 14 cleaning staff were sent letters by the FCO cleaning contractor Interserve asking them to attend an interview that could lead to suspension or punishment, after they signed a joint letter to Hammond suggesting a meeting to discuss the living wage.’

Read more: Cleaners disciplined for writing to Tory MP about low pay. Tory says it’s not about the letter. Do you believe him?

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