Company To Blanket UK City Streets With WiFi Connected ‘Smart Pavement’


‘Awareness continues to increase surrounding the health dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emanating from our daily gadgets, as well as from the rise of the Smart Grid. For example, a prominent neuroscientist went on record in a lecture to the medical community itself where he exposed the many health risks as well as an industry-wide attempt by telecom to cover up the negative consequences. A world-renown biochemist is seeking to abolish WiFi in schools. And a British ER physician has made it her mission to educate people about what steps they can take to minimize exposure and damage to WiFi. A slew of peer-review scientific studies support the warnings of these experts.

So what happens when your entire city becomes one giant WiFi signal?

Telecom giant Virgin Media has been given the green light to begin doing just that. Coverage will be enabled by “discreet street furniture” and the “UK’s first Smart Pavement.”’

Read more: Company To Blanket UK City Streets With WiFi Connected ‘Smart Pavement’

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