Ebola isn’t over: Guinea closes border as Sierra Leone goes into lockdown to combat spread of disease


‘It’s been over a year since the largest ever outbreak of Ebola was officially declared in West Africa, and the hemorrhagic virus is still ravaging the region, according to new reports. Though new cases of Ebola have reportedly tapered off in Sierra Leone, and all but disappeared in neighboring Liberia, Guinea is still being hit hard, which has prompted a new phase of border closures.

According to The Washington Post, Guinea closed its border with Sierra Leone recently after a three-day lockdown was announced in Sierra Leone that prompted residents to try to flee to neighboring Guinea. Already stricken with a continued stream of new Ebola cases, Guinea decided to take a more drastic approach to help eliminate the disease throughout the country, starting with its entry points from Sierra Leone.’

Read more: Ebola isn’t over: Guinea closes border as Sierra Leone goes into lockdown to combat spread of disease

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