Gary North Gets Told Off

To those of you who post on Facebook, the following story serves as a warning. Screen your friends. There are loose cannons online. They can go off at any time.

The World Wide Web has revealed just how many loose cannons there are out there. Read the posts on any blog site. Loose cannons love to post on blog sites. They fire every which way. They give others a piece of their mind when they really cannot spare it.

This is why I killed the “comments” feature of Tea Party Economist as soon as I gained full control over marketing. I do not want to be reminded of just how vociferous some of these fringe people are: “flamers on the fringe.”


There are lost souls in every movement. This man has drifted from calling to calling, job to job, and town to town in search of a place to call home — spiritually, intellectually, and geographically.

In the meantime, he seethes with rage. He seeks revenge — against the Amish, against the man who stole his wife’s affections, and against me, a complete stranger. It is all futile. Revenge always is. It is not a meal best eaten cold. It is best not eaten at all, which is why I have not mentioned his name.

Those around him by now know that he is a loose cannon that may go off at any time. The behavioral pattern in his life is clear. He is a high-risk person to have on anyone’s list of Facebook friends.

My advice: screen your Facebook friends.

If I were this man’s pastor, I would be very concerned. Loose cannons with foul mouths and no self-control are high-risk members. At some point, this man is going to create a problem for the reputation of the congregation. If brought before a church court to defend his behavior, he may deal with the congregation just as he dealt with the Amish: an eBook book posted on Amazon.

The pattern is clear. Forewarned is forearmed.

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P.S. At about 10 a.m., he informed me that he is not a church member. He is therefore a self-excommunicated man. His 15 minutes of fame really are over. He has no Christian group left to impugn, and so his usefulness has ended.

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