Gold as Independent Money Versus Central Banks Paper Ponzi

Submitted by David Bryan

The future direction of the planet is a choice between independent money and the central bankers counter-party paper Ponzi. Gold is independent monetary wealth with incredible wealth value that cannot go broke and over time will progress in value.

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Independent monetary wealth is when the money we use has proven wealth value with no counter-party liability.

Independence is freedom from the influence of others, when we make a choice that we will not acquiesce to be counter-party to the fraud of central bankers and governments.

Gold is independent monetary wealth.

Gold is mined from ore and has incredible value as refined natural physical wealth;

Gold does not have a national currency and has wealth value beyond national boundaries. It has monetary wealth for people everywhere in the world;

Gold is the mortal enemy of central bankers. It is an independent monetary asset that would prevent central bankers from using their Ponzi counter-party paper to exclusively manage, control and centrally plan the economy;

Gold cannot be printed into existence. It does not have or need the artificial risks from using the central banker’s Ponzi of counter-party liability finance;

Gold or silver have been used over several thousand years as wealth assets by very country in the world to guarantee the independence and monetary value of their currencies.

Gold is independent money with incredible wealth value that cannot go broke and will over time progress in value;

Gold is the peoples’ completely independent money that has no issuer’s counter-party liability. It protects their wealth from the actions of corrupt governments and financial institutions;

Gold is independent monetary wealth that has increased 5000% since the Federal Reserve Bank was formed in 1913. The people of the United States of America were tricked in 1913 and lost their monetary independence to this privately owned central banking institution. Since that date the Ponzi of the Federal Reserve’s counterparty paper dollar has devalued by an astronomical 97% to 3% of its original purchasing power;

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Today’s Gold Prices:   USD 1147.90, EUR 1021.45 and GBP 750.43 per ounce.
Yesterday’s Gold Prices: USD 1136.90, EUR 1014.55 and GBP 749.19 per ounce.


China May Have Boosted Gold Reserves 0.9% Last Month, Data Show – Bloomberg
Gold well-bid on expectations of U.S. rate hike delay – Reuters
Gold Holds at One-Week High on Signs of Slowing Economic Growth – Bloomberg
IMF Cuts Global Outlook as Commodity Slump Hits Emerging Markets – Bloomberg
Gold tilts up, eyes best levels in about a week – MarketWatch


Could Q4 bring a rally in gold? – CNBC
A Liquidity Crisis Hit The Banking System In September – Investment Research Dynamics
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