Hillary wants shooting victims to be able to sue gun makers, but doesn’t want vaccine victims to do the same to vaccine manufacturers


‘Another senseless shooting at another institute of learning has once again brought about some of the same tired, hapless and inane recommendations from many of the usual suspects who merely reintroduce bad policy.

One of them is Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton, who, as a member of the party that never seems to regulate enough of our lives, wants new rules to deal with shootings.

According to NBC News, which saw an advanced copy of her gun control policy, Clinton wants two things, primarily: a “[tightening of]rules governing gun show and Internet sales,” a reference to the expansion of background checks that has so far eluded Democrats and their surrogates, and rules that allow victims of gun violence to sue gun makers (the cases lawyers would get in Obama’s hometown of Chicago alone would be enough for hundreds of lawyers to make an entire career out of).’

Read more: Hillary wants shooting victims to be able to sue gun makers, but doesn’t want vaccine victims to do the same to vaccine manufacturers

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