Hundreds of UK scholars pledge to boycott Israeli universities


‘More than 340 senior academics at UK universities have published a pledge not to cooperate with Israeli institutions.

Appearing as a full-page advert in The Guardian newspaper Tuesday, the list includes big names whose work relates to Palestine or falls within Middle Eastern studies, such as professors Laleh Khalili, Nur Masalha and Myriam Salama-Carr and doctors Dina Matar, Anna Ball, Anthony Gorman and Adam Hanieh.

However, other signatories include those whose academic work has nothing to do with Palestine and the region, but who have still felt compelled to take a stand. They include theologian Timothy Gorringe, art critic Julian Stallabrass, physicist Sir Tom Kibble and psychologist Erica Burman.’

Read more: Hundreds of UK scholars pledge to boycott Israeli universities

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