Interest in Ron Paul for Speaker is more proof that Liberty is Popular

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has said he would consider returning to the House of Representatives to serve as Speaker. As of this writing, Gingrich’s former colleagues do not seem anxious to put him back in the Speaker’s chair. Indeed, the “Newt for Speaker” movement is purely an inside-the-beltway phenomenon. In contrast, the support for making Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul speaker is purely an outside-the-beltway phenomenon.

While I doubt that Dr. Paul has any interest in returning to DC, I think the fact that there is support for a Ron Paul speakership is more proof that a growing number of Americans are embracing the ideas of liberty. These Americans are tired of DC’s “business as usual,” instead they want the politicians stop trying to “run our lives, run the economy, and run the world.” Under Dr. Paul’s leadership, Campaign for Liberty is continuing to mobilize these pro-liberty Americans to roll-back statism at the federal, state, and local level. Please join our efforts.

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