Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria

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‘It’s been an especially tough last several weeks for Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen infiltrators in the Pentagon and the CIA, and for Israeli Likudists.

Why is this so? Because their Israeli-American Terror Machine been completely checkmated in Syria thanks to the bold and incredibly sensible efforts of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who is now decimating ISIS at the request of Syria, one of Russia’s allies in the Mideast.

And the Israeli-American terror Machine is now being exposed for hijacking the CIA and working very hard at American taxpayer expense to foment terror all over the World in order to falsely blame Mideast Islamics and justify wars of aggression against innocent Mideast nations. And we know now for certain that these wars are really secret proxy wars for Israel using American soldiers as cannon-fodder.’

Read more: Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria

The post Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria appeared first on David Icke.

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