Israel’s Top Diplomat: Palestinian Children Dream of Blowing Up Jews


‘Attending the UN conference in New York on Thursday, Israel’s top diplomat caused outrage after suggesting that Palestinian children are only interested in engineering as a means to building bombs.

Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, has a history of making inflammatory statements. A religious hardliner, she drew condemnation in May when insisted that Israel had the right to build “everywhere,” even in Palestinian territory.

“We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said, according to the Telegraph. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologize for that.”‘

Read more: Israel’s Top Diplomat: Palestinian Children Dream of Blowing Up Jews

The post Israel’s Top Diplomat: Palestinian Children Dream of Blowing Up Jews appeared first on David Icke.

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