It’s not just workers that the Conservatives are letting down

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‘First it was the working poor that were made to pay for the latest round of welfare cuts, and now it is disabled widows. The Government’s claim that welfare reform is based on the principle of “fairness” is crumbling pretty fast.

The welfare state, which grew out of post-war solidarity, has for decades been based on the principle that those who pay into the system are entitled to expect that the safety net will be there for them when they fall on hard times.

This is a core British value, but it is one that the Tories undermining further almost every day.

In a little-noticed sleight of hand, the Government pressed forward yesterday with proposals to abolish a means-tested benefit which is as old as the NHS, replacing it with a repayable loan.’

Read more: It’s not just workers that the Conservatives are letting down

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