Nutritional supplements kill ZERO people, while Big Pharma’s dangerous medications kill millions worldwide


‘When it comes to the important subject of nutrition, what kind of knowledge do licensed medical doctors really have? According to a survey published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, most medical institutions place very little emphasis on nutrition, nature, and the body’s innate healing abilities. Some patients ask their doctor questions about nutrition only to receive confusing, biased, and fearful advice. What does this void of practical health knowledge say about contemporary medical doctors? They are looked up to for life-saving advice, but they often lead patients astray.

Doctors who dismiss the healing aspects of nutrient absorption and utilization are quick to schedule unnecessary tests and prescribe synthetic formulas concocted by the price-gouging pharmaceutical industry. Sometimes patients pressure doctors to intervene this way. Sometimes doctors feel pressured by drug company salespeople to prescribe the latest side-effect ridden pill. To make matters worse, the physician’s education is controlled by the drug companies.’

Read more: Nutritional supplements kill ZERO people, while Big Pharma’s dangerous medications kill millions worldwide

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