Obama Moving Towards Three Wars at Once

President Obama is moving the United States ever closer to global war against Russia in Europe and the Middle East and against China in Asia.  He wants to murder large numbers of people, and he’s doing it through subterfuge and mission-creep, in order to thwart any real discussion in the United States. Instead of making policy statements from the White House, Obama is doing it in the form of leaks by anonymous, lower-ranking officials to various news organizations.  If Obama is not stopped, by his Constitutional removal from office, thermonuclear war will be the result of one or more of these confrontations:

* The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that NATO is considering forward-stationing larger numbers of troops in Poland and the three Baltic states.  The plan under discussion would put a battalion, roughly 800-1,000 troops, under NATO command in each of the three countries.  A lighter version of the plan would spread one battalion across all four countries, but in any case, 15-20 percent of the troops would be American.  German officials are said to be expressing reservations, telling the allies in private discussions that they don’t want to treat Moscow as a permanent enemy, or lock it out of Europe.  Either version of the plan would be seen as a provocation in Moscow, as the Germans well know, but the article is sourced to unnamed US officials, an indication that it is Obama who has started discussion of this move towards thermonuclear war.

* Reuters, in another article based on anonymous Obama Administration leaks, reports that it has been the Pentagon pushing for the provocation in the South China Sea, during which the destroyer USS Lassen sailed to within 12 nautical miles of the artificial islands on Oct.  26 in a “freedom of navigation” exercise.  They say that Pentagon officials have been demanding such action to challenge China since last May, but that it was the White House and the State Department that “stalled” it until this week.  But the action was based on a request for “options” from Secretary of Defense Ash Carter—an Obama appointee, after all—allegedly to respond to the rapid construction of those islands. This is the same campaign towards nuclear warfare in which Obama is engaged in Europe.

* The underhanded expansion of the US war in the Middle East follows the same M.O., where Obama is considering expanding US military operations in Syria, risking a clash with Russia; and in Iraq, where the administration claims that US troops are not engaged in combat, even though one US soldier has been killed and five others wounded in combat, with Carter promising more to come.

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