Obama Rejects ‘Cooperation’ with Putin on Syria: Washington’s War on Terror is A Fabrication and Zero ISIS Targets Destroyed…

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‘Washington so-called war on ISIS is a complete fabrication. Russia’s is the real thing. Its effectiveness is why Obama won’t cooperate with Putin – even though both leaders claim they share the same goal.

In over a year of daily Syria bombing, America’s vaunted military destroyed zero ISIS targets, nor those of other terrorist groups.

On Friday, Russia’s General Staff said its warplanes destroyed 456 ISIS targets since September 30, striking them with pinpoint accuracy. Its Main Operations Directorate chief Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov said:

Most armed formations are demoralized. There is growing discontent with field commanders, and there is evidence of disobedience. Desertion is becoming widespread.’

Read more: Obama Rejects ‘Cooperation’ with Putin on Syria: Washington’s War on Terror is A Fabrication and Zero ISIS Targets Destroyed…

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