On Cue, Israel Suddenly Claims To Uncover ‘First Suspected ISIS Cell’

Untitled (1)‘In a bizarre announcement no doubt designed to coincide with Russia’s bombing campaign against ISIS, Israel now claims they suddenly “uncovered” the “first suspected ISIS cell” in Israel well over one year since the ISIS show began, during which time ISIS has remarkably never attacked Israel.

Unfortunately for Israel it’s well known throughout the world that not only is Israel one of the primary players behind ISIS but that ISIS will show up anywhere in the world, except Israel. ISIS has not even once attacked Israel as it has with other countries like Iraq and Syria, both which happen to be on Israel’s list of countries they (Israel) wanted to break up for the so-called “greater Israel” plans long ago declared.’

Read more: On Cue, Israel Suddenly Claims To Uncover ‘First Suspected ISIS Cell’

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