Privatized NSA Army is Attacking YOU!


‘In the first part of this article series, the post 9/11 rise of a private NSA was detailed. Some started in reaction to the twin tower attack. They aren’t connected with the government, intelligence, or homeland security. They are private citizens who have no security clearances in any western country.

They use the free OSINT software found on the internet to find or decide who is a terrorist. Many of them enjoy the feeling of power they get from getting people fired from their jobs and put on terrorist investigation lists.

They are freelancers with no oversight or rules. They are only accountable to themselves and their employers. These freelancers thrive on their ability to remain hidden from the public eye. In reality, they could be any of your socially inept, angry neighbors down the street who is afraid of their own shadow in person. But give them a keyboard and they’ll take your job, your bank account and your freedom.’

Read more: Privatized NSA Army is Attacking YOU!

The post Privatized NSA Army is Attacking YOU! appeared first on David Icke.

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