Rise of the Nanobots – The World of Molecular Machines


‘One of the more controversial concepts in the area of nanotech is what has come to be known as The Singularity. Essentially, it is the mission to transcend biology. There are many ways The Singularity could ultimately come about, but one of them is molecular control via nanobots.

Ray Kurzweil has written about nanobot medicine in terms of imagining Human Body 2.0, which will be a continuously modified and upgraded internal system that will optimize nutrition, repair damage and, ultimately, lead perhaps to immortality.

Naturally, there are many ethical considerations that are hopefully debated along the way, but the rise of nanobots is not a conspiracy, nor can it be passed off as merely wishful thinking by those who desire to live forever.’

Read more: Rise of the Nanobots – The World of Molecular Machines

The post Rise of the Nanobots – The World of Molecular Machines appeared first on David Icke.

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